Photo By Cassie Boca On Unsplash

Protect Your Home by Protecting It from the Elements

Contributed by Natalie Jones of 


Colorful falls, white winters, warm summers, and wet springs make up the year-round weather for Ohio. Each season brings along a new set of challenges for everyone in the state. Hauling seasonal clothes in and out of storage isn’t the only task for Ohioans, especially homeowners. Rain can lead to leaky roofs, and the cold of winter can create big problems by first wearing down the exterior of a home. There are steps every homeowner can take to protect their home inside and out. Here’s how you can be proactive in maintaining your most valuable asset.

Invest in Homeowners Insurance

Don’t leave yourself unprotected against the damage the weather can cause to your home. Find a home insurance provider that will take good care of you and your home year-round, and take advantage of Ohio’s low monthly premiums.

Complete an insurance home inspection to pick out problem areas that you can fix before they get out of hand. An inspection can help provide you with a more accurate cost to rebuild your home, but you’ll also get a clearer picture of any issues it has. Fortunately, you can deal with these ahead of time and save yourself time and money in the long run. In the meantime, complete your own home inspection and protect yourself from all types of weather.

Start with the Roof

Any inspection should include a thorough roof inspection since it can make or break a home’s protection against the elements. A damaged or incorrectly installed roof won’t be able to stop leaks from the rain, much less maintain the temperature inside your home.

The winters in Ohio can be brutally cold and drop lots of snow, causing damage to your roof if left unattended. A build-up of snow can create ice dams or test the strength of your roof’s support system, leading to leaks from melting snow in winter and rain during spring. Damaged shingles and gutters can leave your entire roof system susceptible to further damage like mold or rot due to improper ventilation. Clear your gutters of snow, ice, and autumn leaves.

If you plan on selling your home in the future, a problematic roof can drop the sale price by thousands. At the same time, the average roof repair costs between $300 and $1,100, so it makes sense to fix a leak as soon as you can. If a problem returns even after the repair, consider replacing the entire roof. A new roof will improve your life while living in the home, and it’ll help you sell it at a higher price down the line.

Persist In Seasonal Projects

Once the roof is secure, focus on smaller tasks throughout the year to fend off further deterioration of your home. With regular upkeep and awareness, you can protect your home from wind, fire, and fluctuating temperatures.

Make sure your home is well insulated, or do your best to further insulate it. Pipes will freeze if left unprotected in the cold of fall or winter. If you know a bitterly cold night or day is coming, leave a slow trickle coming out of your faucets. Also, open any doors or cabinets these pipes are located so that the warm inside air can work at keeping the pipes warm.

Uninsulated windows, or windows with gaps, cracks, and broken seals, can allow moisture to seep into walls while heat or air-conditioned air seep outside. Consider installing double or triple-paned windows and shutters to add layers of protection between the elements and the inside of your home. Feel around windows throughout the year to plug holes as they appear, and rest easy knowing it’ll take more than a hailstorm or high wind to breakthrough.

In the warmer months, get rid of overgrowth in your yard and clear the property of clutter to reduce your chances of experiencing a house fire. If you live in the heavily wooded portion of Ohio, this preparation could save your home in the event of a wildfire.

Saving and protecting your home is essential to ensuring its longevity. Your home is where you live, raise children and create memories, so take the necessary steps above to ensure all the memories you have in the home are great.


Photo credit: Photo by Cassie Boca on Unsplash